
1 коллега

Giovanni Cavalli

1 коллега

Курсы лектора 4.81

Обо мне

Dr. Giovanni Cavalli, Brescia, Italy

Curriculum vitae
Graduated in Medicine and Surgery in 1985, he practices as a freelance dentist in Brescia.
Active member of the Italian Academy of Conservative Dentistry (AIC) since 1989, member of the 2015-17 Cultural Commission.
Active member of the Italian Society of Endodontics since 1991, of which he was Vice-president in 2013-15 council and Member of the Active Member Acceptance Committee from 2010 to 2012.
Professor at the University of Brescia in the annual Master's program "Clinical and Microsurgical Endodontics"
Adjunct professor at the University of Parma for the Restorative course.
Since 2017 lecturer at San Raffaele University of Milan for the chair of Prosthodontics, Prof. Gastaldi.
He has written numerous articles, in peer reviewed journals, concerning the restorative and prosthetic aspects of the endodontically treated teeth, and about the new aesthetic materials for prosthetic restorations.
In addition, he co-authored the books “Adhesive restorations of root filled teeth”, Mannocci F, Cavalli G, Gagliani M, Quintessence International, 2007, traslated in a different languages; “Odontoiatria Restaurativa. Procedure di trattamento e prospettive future”, Brenna F, Breschi L, Cavalli G et al, Elsevier Masson, 2009, traslated in spanish; Cavalli G et al, Italian Academy of Conservative Dentistry, Restorative dentistry, Elsevier – Mosby, May 2011; Allegri MA, Ammannato R, Cavalli G et al, Accademia Italiana di Odontoiatria Conservativa e Restaurativa (AIC), Odontoiatria restaurativa estetica, Quintessence publishing, 2021.
Dr. Cavalli has frequently lectured nationally and internationally.
Referee for International Endodontic Journal from 2015.
Speaker in countless courses, conferences and seminars in Italy and abroad.
For several years he has been specifically involved in training in the field of conservative and prosthetics.
