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Condylography from A to Z. From analysis to clinical application

4.75 (147 оценок)

878 $

1 171 $ -25%

доступна 4 дня 04:59:47

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Что включено:
35 уроков + 7 бесплатно  (12ч 57мин)
English, German, Spanish
Доступ к записи в течение 180 дней


The most extensive and sequential training on condylography from Professor Gregor Slavicek! You will learn everything every dentist must know: from the protocol for performing the analysis to the clinical application of the results.


During the course, you will learn to:

– Perform a complete condylography protocol independently
– Analyze condylographic data in patients with cranio-mandibular and TMJ dysfunctions
– Competently and effectively build a comprehensive treatment strategy for patients with TMJ dysfunctions
– Make the best diagnostic decisions regarding the dynamics of TMJ treatment
– Provide information that is clear and understandable for the entire team and patients
– Interpret and apply condylographic data for treatment planning and successful occlusal rehabilitation.


The course is created for functional dentists, prosthodontists, and orthodontists.

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Лекторы (1 человек)

Founder, CEO and owner of Orehab Minds GmbH, Stuttgart. Honorary member of the Romanian Dental and Maxillo-Facial Prothetic Society, the Italian Association of Gnathology. Visiting Professor of the First Moscow State Medical University. Honorary Professor of the Ukrainian State Medical Academy.