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Implant-Perio Evolution: Различные варианты проведения операции синус-лифтинга (часть 1)

26 Apr 2020, 07:00
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- Дизайн костно-периостального лоскута при формировании латерального окна - Манипуляции на твердом небе при проведении синус-лифтинга- Одновременное проведение расщепления альвеолярного отростка и операции синус-лифтинга

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Лекторы (1 человек)

Dr. Radoslaw Jadach is the first doctor in Poland to apply a pre-orthodontic decortication procedure using piezoelectric device and first created a classification of anatomical indications for the treatment of maxillary sinus floor elevation with access from the hard palate. He focuses on microsurgery techniques and extensive soft tissue reconstructive surgery for the purpose of alveolar implantology. Dr. Jadach graduated from the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Wroclaw Medical University and was a physician in its Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. He trained at the University of New York: Continuing Education Linhart Dental Program NYU Implant Continuum Education and OSIS and CEIA.


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