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Systemic Analysis of a Cephalogram: Landmarks of Maxilla and Mandible

4.67 (6 оценок)

52 $

69 $ -25%

доступна 3 дня 04:00:10

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Что включено:
0.25 CE Credits (ADA CERP)
Доступ к записи в течение 180 дней

Программа урока

– Tracing of anatomical structures: 

- The upper alveolar anterior process

- Spina nasalis anterior

- Anterior Maxilla

- Hard palate

- The lower alveolar anterior process

- The lower border of the mandible

- Posterior, superior, and anterior contour of the mandible

- Condylar process

- Coronoid process.

– Different anatomical of the symphysis (Point B)

– The gnathion tangentiale

– The articulare, condylare, and process muscularis reference point.

Recommended for: Orthodontists, Functional dentists, General dentists.

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Лекторы (1 человек)

Founder, CEO and owner of Orehab Minds GmbH, Stuttgart. Honorary member of the Romanian Dental and Maxillo-Facial Prothetic Society, the Italian Association of Gnathology. Visiting Professor of the First Moscow State Medical University. Honorary Professor of the Ukrainian State Medical Academy.