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Synovial Temporomandibular Joint Integrative Functional Anatomy

4.86 (88 оценок)
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Что включено:
0.75 CE Credits (ADA CERP)
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Программа урока

– The true definition of synovial joint

– Anatomy of synovial temporomandibular joint

– Anatomy of the temporal bone

– Histological and anatomical analysis of the synovial membrane

– Craniocervical mandibular (CCM) tricentric relation

– Determining the craniocervical position in relation to the CR

– Radiological analysis of the TMJ. 

Recommended for: Orthodontists, Prosthodontists, Functional dentists, General dentists.

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Лекторы (1 человек)

Physical therapist Universidad de Chile. Orthopedic manual therapist specialist, Health Institute Atlanta, USA. Dean of Faculty of Science of rehabilitation Universidad Andres Bello 2005-2017. Head teacher Universidad Andres Bello. Doctor in physical therapy Saint Augustine Florida, USA, 2003. Head teacher in Universidad de Chile, Dentistry Faculty, Orthodontics Department. Medical and Physical Rehabilitation Director Integramedica, Chile. Cedime Director: Musculoskeletal Disfunctions Study Centre, Santiago, Chile.


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4.72 (19150 оценок)

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