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Socket-Shield Technique: Core Principles and Clinical Applications


69 $

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Программа урока

– Preservation of the vestibular cortical plate as the key to successful implantation
– Fundamentals and principles of the socket shield technique
– Indications and contraindications for the socket-shield technique
– Selection of tools and recommendations for their use at each stage
– Technique of the operation using clinical examples with a detailed explanation of each stage. 


Recommended for: Implantologists, Maxillofacial surgeons.

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Лекторы (1 человек)

Graduated dental school at ISCS Sul in 1997. Fellow in implant dentistry University of Miami. Post graduated in advanced implantology and minimally invasive oral rehabilitation. Invited professor at several Universities: - Universidad Católica de Múrcia/Knotgroup; - Faculdade Medicina Dentária da Universidade Lisboa; - Universidade São Leopoldo Mandic do Rio Janeiro; - CESPU do porto; - Universidad de Granada, universidad de Córdoba. Tutor of private hands-on surgery, implantology and oral rehabilitation courses. Author of several articles published in portuguese magazines. Speaker at many national and international congresses.


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